'' The filtering of the blood by an artificial way due to failure of kidney is called dialysis''.
When kidney do not perform its function, the amount of nitrogenous wastes, particularly urea is increased in the blood.In this case,patient is treated by dialysis. This artificial method cleans the blood. The wastes and extra water are removed by dialysis.
There are two types of dialysis: Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis.
(i) Hemodialysis
Hemodialysis means ''cleaning the blood''. In this procedure an artifical kidney is used.
Artifical kidney is used in hemodialysis is called dialyzer.
- Blood is circulated through a machine which contains a dialyzer. Dialyzer has two spaces separated by thin membrane.
- Blood passes from one side of the membrane and dialysis fluid on the other.
- The wastes and extra water pass from the blood through the membrance into the dialysis fluid.
(ii) Peritoneal Dialysis:
In hemodialysis an artificial membrane is used in a dialysis while in method of peritoneal dialysis the peritoneum is used in dialyzer.
- Perioneum is a natural membrane in the patient's own body.
- Peritoneal dialysis can be carried out is hospital.
- A thin plastic tube is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small slit in the abdomen wall and can be left permanently.
- The peritoneal membrane, or perioneum, which lives in the the abdominal cavity is the dialysing membrane and it is partially permeable.
- Dialysis fluid is added to the abdominal cavity down the tube and left the several hours before removal.
- The fluid can be replaced regularly 3 or 4 times of a day meanwhile the patient can be mobile and free to live relatively normal life.
- It is used after kidney failure and dialysis is done repeatidly until the transplant of kidneys.
Dialysis, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis
Reviewed by SaQLaiN HaShMi
11:22 PM

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