Environments :
Each cell of a body has water in specific amount. Water acts as a solvent of solutes. For the normal performance, each cell maintains the quantity of water. The concentration of water in the cell is adjusted by homeostasis.
Cells are always busy to maintain themselves in changing extra cellular environment. Cells generally face the following extra cellular environments.
(i) Hypotonic Environment (Hypo = Deficient) :
The surrounding of cell with diluted solution compared to the cell concentration is called hypotonic environment.
In the case , endosmosis takes place and cell becomes turgid. More than enough intake of water becomes the reason of swelling and bursting.
(ii) Hypertonic Environment (Hyper = Extra) :
The surrounding of cell with more concentrated solution compared to the cell cytoplasm is known as hypertonic environments.
In This way, exosmosis takes place in the cell. Plasmolysis occurs due to shrinkage of protoplasm.
(iii) Isotonic Environment (Iso = similar)
The surrounding of cell with similar concentration of solution compared to the cell is called isotonic environment. In this case neither endosmosis nor exosmosis occurs.
Hypotonic, Hypertonic and Isotonic environments
Reviewed by SaQLaiN HaShMi
11:43 PM

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